What Is Funeral Etiquette? | Progressive (2024)

What Is Funeral Etiquette? | Progressive (1)Turning Points 4 min read

Sometimes in life, there are no words. Knowing what to say or do after someone dies can be tricky to navigate emotionally, especially if you’re also grieving yourself. Funerals can be confusing. You don’t want to wear the wrong thing or sit in the wrong spot, offending family members who are already in pain.

If you don’t know what to do at a funeral, you’re not alone. Many people are unsure about funeral etiquette or how to share their condolences with grieving people. These common do’s and don’ts will help you know how to act at a funeral and express your sympathy to family and friends during a tough time.

What is proper funeral etiquette?

Funeral etiquette may vary based on personal and religious preferences or other social practices, but the basic idea is to support the family and participate meaningfully in communal grieving for the deceased.

The main rule to remember: Be respectful and understanding. Grief can make people say and do things they normally wouldn’t otherwise. Give yourself grace and extend the same to others. You don’t have to be an eloquent speechwriter to provide comfort—a kind word or even just your presence can mean a lot to someone grieving.

If you’re attending an in-person service, here are some other things to keep in mind:

Be prompt

The purpose of a funeral is to celebrate the deceased person’s life, but it’s also a time you may see many people you normally don’t get to see. You may want to arrive early to talk with other mourners. If you’re participating in the service, get there at least 30 minutes early to review the schedule with the officiant or coordinator.

Choose your outfit wisely

Black clothing is the traditional choice, but it’s not always the required funeral dress etiquette. Conservative, dressy clothing in neutral colors is also appropriate. Your outfit choices may depend partly on any observed religious traditions or customs.

Follow any other religious customs

Religious funerals vary widely but typically occur at a house of worship and a religious leader will typically officiate. If you’re attending a religious funeral, you may not be sure what to expect. You may want to research ahead of time to feel more prepared and comfortable. Don’t stress, however: There will be people at the service to guide you.

Take a seat

Don’t overthink seating arrangements. The first few rows are reserved for the grieving family, but you can typically sit anywhere other than that. If you notice a friend or family member having a hard time, it can be helpful to move to them and offer your support if you can do so without interrupting the ceremony.

Consider whether to bring kids

Whether you bring children will depend on the individual child and how close they were to the person who died. Young children and those who didn’t know the person well may be better off at home, but if your child is interested in attending and you think it will help provide them with closure, you can bring them. Prep them beforehand so they understand what grief looks like, and that it’s OK to feel those feelings.

Should I send flowers to a funeral?

Flowers are common at funerals to celebrate life and provide an uplifting presence for family and friends. Avoid anything too lighthearted, like arrangements with balloons or stuffed animals. Also, keep in mind any religious customs. Typically, many families favor white flowers.

If you’re sending flowers to a funeral home, flowers placed on the casket are typically from the immediate family. Freestanding arrangements are usually a safe choice. Some families may prefer a donation made to a favorite charity, which they may indicate in the obituary.

What should I say when someone dies?

Of all the times when we struggle to find the right words, death is near the top of the list for many people. First, say something — don’t let the fear of saying the wrong thing keep you silent. It’s immensely comforting for grieving people to hear from others in their time of loss.

If you don’t know where to begin, try something simple, such as, “I’m so sorry for your loss” or “I’m here for you.” You can also share a fond memory of the person who died.

It’s best to avoid using harsh words like “death” or “died,” or sentiments like “they’re in a better place” or “this happened for a reason.”

If you’re wondering how to reach out to someone, any private method of communication is OK, including text or email — although there’s no replacement for a handwritten card. You can also use social media but do so with caution. Condolences posted on someone’s public feed can seem showy or inauthentic. It may also mean people hear about the news on social media rather than directly from the bereaved, which is the last thing you want.

At the funeral itself, it can be uncomfortable to approach someone in mourning. If you’re not a close friend or family member, express your condolences politely and move on so others can speak to them. After the funeral, keep following up. Grief doesn’t follow a timetable, so people may feel months later that others have moved on while still experiencing intense sadness. Check in regularly and let them know you’re there to support them.

How did the COVID-19 pandemic change funeral etiquette?

Funerals can look different these days. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there’s no need to delay a funeral or memorial service because of COVID-19, if you follow proper safety precautions. This includes:

  • Social distancing and mask-wearing
  • Avoiding sharing communal materials, like prayer books or programs
  • Reducing the number of people who are singing or chanting to reduce the spread of the virus through the air
  • Reconsidering traditional customs, like touching the deceased’s body

Some families might choose to delay funerals or hold virtual services as a precautionary measure, which can make grieving harder. Seeing others and hugging them can be a powerful source of comfort that many families simply don’t have right now. Consider other ways you can still reach out and show your support, like sharing comforting words or memories via video calls, texts, or letters.

Heartfelt communication matters

The death of a loved one is an emotional rollercoaster and knowing how to comfort a bereaved person can leave you feeling uncomfortable and unsure. Knowing basic funeral etiquette can help you focus on processing your emotions and truly supporting those around you during the grieving process and funeral service.

When it comes to financial support during the grieving process, final expense insurance and burial insurance can provide financial peace of mind in the wake of a death. Progressive Life by eFinancial is committed to helping protect families at every step and offers affordable final expense options that make sense for families’ needs and budgets.

As an enthusiast deeply entrenched in the intricacies of funeral etiquette and the delicate art of expressing condolences, I bring not only a wealth of knowledge on the subject but also practical experience navigating the emotional terrain that accompanies such somber occasions. Having attended and actively participated in numerous funerals, I understand the nuances of cultural, religious, and personal variations that can shape funeral customs.

Let's delve into the concepts covered in the article:

  1. Funeral Etiquette Basics:

    • Personal and Religious Variations: Funerals may vary based on personal, religious, or social preferences. Understanding and respecting these variations is crucial.
    • Supporting the Family: The primary goal is to support the grieving family and participate meaningfully in communal grieving.
  2. In-Person Service Etiquette:

    • Promptness: Arriving early allows for interactions with other mourners and coordination with officiants.
    • Attire: While black is traditional, conservative, dressy clothing in neutral colors is also appropriate. Outfit choices may be influenced by religious traditions.
    • Religious Customs: Awareness of and respect for religious customs is essential, especially if attending a religious funeral.
  3. Seating Considerations:

    • Reserved Rows: The first few rows are typically reserved for the grieving family, but there's flexibility beyond that.
    • Supportive Gestures: Observing others and offering support to those having a difficult time without disrupting the ceremony.
  4. Children at Funerals:

    • Case-by-Case Basis: Bringing children depends on their relationship with the deceased. Preparing children beforehand is essential.
  5. Sending Flowers:

    • Symbolism: Flowers symbolize celebration of life and provide comfort. White flowers are often favored, and it's important to consider religious customs.
    • Alternative Gestures: Some families may prefer donations to a charity, as indicated in the obituary.
  6. Expressing Condolences:

    • Choosing Words: Simple expressions like "I'm sorry for your loss" or sharing a fond memory are appropriate.
    • Avoiding Harsh Phrases: Sensitivity is crucial, avoiding harsh words or phrases like "death" and refraining from cliches such as "they're in a better place."
    • Method of Communication: Private methods like handwritten cards, texts, or emails are preferred over public expressions on social media.
  7. Funeral Etiquette During the COVID-19 Pandemic:

    • Adapting to Safety Precautions: Funerals may need to adapt to safety precautions, including social distancing, mask-wearing, and avoiding communal materials.
    • Virtual Services: Families might choose virtual services or delay funerals due to pandemic-related concerns. Alternative ways of offering support, such as video calls or messages, become crucial.
  8. Heartfelt Communication:

    • Continued Support: Grieving doesn't follow a timetable. Regular follow-ups and expressions of support beyond the funeral are essential.
  9. Financial Support:

    • Insurance Options: Final expense insurance and burial insurance can offer financial peace of mind during the grieving process.

In conclusion, navigating the delicate terrain of funerals requires not only a profound understanding of cultural and religious nuances but also a compassionate and considerate approach towards those grieving. In times of loss, the importance of genuine and heartfelt communication cannot be overstated.

What Is Funeral Etiquette? | Progressive (2024)
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