21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (2024)

Gluten Free Comfort Food: 21 Amazing Recipes

About a week ago, I asked my readers a very important question on Facebook. “Have you turned on the heat yet, this season?” The answers were mixed. I was still holding out on the heater and mostly enjoying the crisp mornings, warm afternoons, and cool evenings of autumn. Today, though, I can fully cop to having turned on the heater. Autumn means cozy sweaters, a blanket on the sofa, and gluten free comfort food.

From mac and cheese to curry to meatballs to soup, comfort food is like a warm hug in a bowl. Who doesn’t want a warm hug for dinner? #AmIright? Of course, since I’ll pulling together this list, everything is gluten free.

1. Gluten Free Mac and Cheese withGreen Chile and Chicken

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (2) Mac and cheese has to be the first food on the list. Who can resist warm gooey cheesy goodness especially if the mac and cheese a little kick from green chile?

2. Carrot Soup with Caramelized Onion

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (3) When I think of comfort food, I immediately think of a nice warm bowl of soup. This vegan carrot soup is creamy without cream. Comforting and healthy? Count me in.

3. Gluten Free Swedish Meatballs

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (4) Meatballs are one of those foods that my mom made really well. I miss my mom’s meatballs and don’t even get me started on how sad I get when I go to Ikea and can’t sit down to a plate of Swedish meatballs. Problem solved.

4. Paleo Chicken Pot Pie with Sweet Potato Biscuit Crust

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (5) I’ll never forget my first real chicken pot pie from the Liberty Café in San Francisco. It came in a big bowl topped with flaky buttery puff pastry, so when I first saw a biscuit topped pot pie, I thought I was about to be disappointed. Turns out… nope. I love both.

5. Pasta with Spicy Pumpkin Sauce

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (6) Of course, a hot bowl of pasta is pretty up there in the comfort food world and I can’t imagine more comforting flavors than creamy and smoky pumpkin sauce. While it may not be traditional, it registers super high on the comfort-meter.

6. Gluten Free Vegetarian Nachos

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (7) Joshua is big on Nachos. In fact, they may be one of his favorite foods on the planet. We often make them with sweet potatoes and leftover roast chicken, but these vegetarian nachos are really popular at home too.

7. Gluten Free Muffin Tin Meatloaf

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (8) I will never understand why people don’t like meatloaf. Sure, there is bad meatloaf in the world, but that does not mean all meatloaf is bad! I mean, there are bad kittens in the world, we’re not going to write off all of the kittens, right? Okay, who am I kidding, there are no bad kittens.

8. Indonesian Chicken Curry

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (9) Many Americans may not think of curry as a comfort food, but I say that curries hit the comfort spot on many levels. This Indonesian version of chicken curry is similar to a Thai curry with warming spices, a creamy sauce, and a little bit of heat.

9. Goat Cheese and Green Chili Paleo “Cornbread”

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (10) Cornmeal is one of my favorite foods, but I get migraines if I eat to much corn. Naturally, I played around in the kitchen to come up with a corn-free “cornbread”. Whether you can eat corn or not, this Paleo-friendly skillet bread is one of the most comforting foods there is.

10. Slow Cooker Texas Style Chili

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (11) I can’t even say “cornbread” without thinking of chili. This slow cooker chili is Texas style. All meat and veggies and spices… no beans..

10. Easy White Chicken Chili

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (12) Chili is one of the great comfort foods which is why it makes this list more than any other food. This white chicken chili comes together easily and looks great.

11.Chili Polenta Pot Pie

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (13) I couldn’t have two chili recipes with meat and leave out my vegetarian friends. That would just be rude. This vegetarian and gluten free recipe combines two of the best foods ever, chili and pot pie. Yes!

12. Curried Cauliflower Soup

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (14) I am crazy for cauliflower. I may actually have a problem with this vegetable. Like the kind of problem that requires meetings. This is one addiction that might actually be okay.

13. Slow Cooker Andouille Sausage Stew

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (15) Warm and smoky andouille sausage is one of those foods that feels like home. This lovely stew is made in the slow cooker and sounds pretty perfect for a cool night.

14. Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (16) Yes yes yes to mashed potatoes. These are made in the slow cooker. Um… genius!

15. Roasted Potatoes with Fennel Pollen

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (17) I can’t have mashed potatoes on the list without a little nod to roasted potatoes- one of my favorite comfort foods of all time.

16. Roast Chicken

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (18) And since we’re talking about roasting… roasted chicken is my perfect comfort food dinner for any season.

17. Roasted Baby Veggies

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (19) Roast chicken and roasted potatoes must berounded out withroasted root vegetables. Those three things with a salad and a bowl of soup… better than Thanksgiving dinner.

18. Thai Style Butternut Squash Soup

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (20) And speaking of soup… butternut squash, ginger, apple? Yes!

19. Basque Lamb Stew

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (21) Lamb stew reminds me of my grandmother who cooked lamb to perfection. This Basque version from Simply Recipes has some of my favorite flavors all in one pot.

20. Maple Glazed Carrots

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (22) Maple and cinnamon glaze on carrots? Yup! Definitely comfort food.

21. Sautéed Apples with Honey

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (23) Although this almost falls into the desert category, I couldn’t leave out my very favorite comfort food, sautéed apples. In my world, they can be eaten for any meal. So there you have it. 21 of the best comfort foods- gluten free of course. What do you consider the ultimate comfort food? Daily Gratitude: Today, I am really grateful for love. That I feel loved and that I feel love. I am also grateful for leftovers, great friends, and coffee- all of which I feel love for. What about you?

21 Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes for Winter (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.